Sunday, March 13, 2005

News Update 2: Cleveland Georgia Gay Straight Alliance (GSA)

Most of this news is the same information repeated, but written by a different newspaper from a different state. Anyway, it is still great that this story is getting so much coverage!

High school gays get a harsh lesson
Kerry Pacer's failing struggle to encourage acceptance of homosexuals in her rural Georgia hometown is echoed across the U.S.

..."There has always been a lot of bullying at school, and there was never anyone to stand up for me," said Pacer, explaining that she and other gay students felt a Gay-Straight Alliance club would promote understanding. "I knew there would be people who disagreed with it, but I had no idea it would grow this big."

With heightened national attention on family values as championed by Christian conservatives, students such as Pacer said they have felt pressure to keep their sexual orientation hidden, particularly in Bible Belt states where many people believe homosexuality is a sin. Those attitudes were manifested last November when voters in 11 states approved constitutional amendments banning gay marriage...

Written By: Dahleen Glanton

For more about Kerry Pacer and the news surrounding her go to: White County, Georgia: Controversy in Gay PRIDE

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